Post by Rock114 on May 20, 2014 17:24:21 GMT
Although he probably will die i don't think he should, i mean look at that godly beard. No one is saying that he should die because of that beard of his. It's magnificent, brilliant even.
Post by Teacakes on May 20, 2014 17:24:49 GMT
Although he probably will die i don't think he should, i mean look at that godly beard. Damn right!
Post by Bioshock Infinite WD on May 20, 2014 17:28:48 GMT
Personally? I do agree he is taking up a huge amount of the spotlight, and it could be redistributed better, but do I want him to die? No, I don't want anyone to die really, but its going to happen, his only chance of living was to show up, and then leave, but now, its to far gone for that, he will die, they won't let him live through two seasons, and frankly I don't even know if they will let Clem live, so I want him to live, but his chances are very low.
Post by Bioshock Infinite WD on May 20, 2014 17:29:39 GMT
To me its more about "Will He?" Over "Should He?"
Post by thatstoo2019man on May 20, 2014 17:30:19 GMT
Kenny is love. Kenny is life.
Post by Teacakes on May 20, 2014 17:30:32 GMT
Kenny can't help it when he takes up the spotlight, he is just too great to be ignored
Post by Teacakes on May 20, 2014 17:31:08 GMT
Kenny is love. Kenny is life. I've read that fan fic....
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Post by Deleted on May 20, 2014 18:03:58 GMT
Kenny is love. Kenny is life. I've read that fan fic.... "That Kenny fanboy's already seen more than you can imagine." Anyway... on topic of the thread... I think Ken should live, but you know what would be funny? If TWDG went on for a lot of seasons (5, 6 maybe?) and at the end of each season, Kenny "dies", but he just comes right back near the start of the next season. I'm not saying that would be a good thing- I mean come on, predictability and repetition are definitely bad, bad things for TWD- but I think it would be pretty funny.
Post by Bioshock Infinite WD on May 20, 2014 18:08:03 GMT
Not really funny, but I get what you mean, if he dies this season, which is sadly likely, then it won't be ambiguous, that I know.
Post by Teacakes on May 20, 2014 18:10:09 GMT
I've read that fan fic.... "That Kenny fanboy's already seen more than you can believe" I've been through a lot to get to this point...
Post by Bioshock Infinite WD on May 20, 2014 18:15:14 GMT
Yeah, you did get hit by a few R34 pics right? That counts for being through some heavy shit.
Post by Teacakes on May 20, 2014 18:16:46 GMT
It hasn't happened to me... Yet....
Post by Michael7123 on May 20, 2014 18:17:48 GMT
I don't want him to die, but I think that hes going to go out next episode during the attack.
Post by sos on May 20, 2014 18:19:14 GMT
It's hard for Kenny not to command the attention of the player, even when he's not the focus. He's so opinionated and loud that he's going to stand out every time.
I don't think he should die for it though. If characters aren't sticking out, it's the writers fault. Nick was a shadow in In Harm's Way, but only because he was written that way. Think of how prominent he was in A House Divided. There's plenty of spotlight to go around. Plus... it's almost like a running joke that Kenny can't be killed now. The guy has been shot, run into a hoarde of walkers, had the vision beat out of his eye on top of whatever happened to him before he met Sarita. He's an iron man and I love him for it.
Post by IDEK on May 20, 2014 18:20:54 GMT
I honestly think he just got holed up somewhere and nearly starved.